1-99 summoning guide


Onyx user!

Summoning is a good stat to have on your pure account. It helps with many things, spirit terrobird helps train agility quicker and helps you get to places quickly with its special attack (tireless run). Also it can hold up to 12 Items, pak yak can hold more then even your inventory can! Summoning is expensive but you make a lot of it back by selling pouches or trading them to Mr. Ogre guy for shards (recycling). Summoning is an amazing addition into runescape and i HIGHLY recommend thinking about getting it on your zerk, main, or pure account.

-Wolf Whistle
-Ability to click a mouse
-30m+ to just waste away if your going for 99
-High Slayer helps a shit load. And I mean a lot.
-Combat Stats, you cannot get the charms without having combat stats. (unless u use pengs and xp lamps for all of eternity)

After completing the summoning quest, (wold whistle) you receive a good amount of gold charms, use these charms and get 20 summoning, pretty simple, and pretty cheap.
Best familiars to make from 1-20 summoning::
1: Spirit Wolf
4: Dreadfowl
10: Spirit Spider
13: Horny Snail (Thony i mean)
16: Granite Crab
17: Skip 17, lols
18: Desert wyrm
19: Spirit Scorpion
Start Wolf Whistle Here::

Best Familiars to make at 20 summoning::
Gold: Granite Crab
Green: Desert Wyrm
Crimson: Spirit Scorpion
Blue: N/A
Getting gold charms can be tiring and boring and retarded to have to pick each one up, i just had a bunch left over from all the green drag trips i did, but i recommend rock crabs for 20-30 using gold charms. (This being the cheapest way).

Best Familiars to summon at 30 summoning
Gold: Granite Crab
Green: Compost Mound
Crimson: Spirit Tz-Kih
Blue: Giant Chinchompa
Good monsters for charms: Water fiends
Ok, the most expensive way to get summoning up is Green Charms, all charms will get you up, but blues are the quickest, greens are the most expensive, price wise they look like this from most expensive to least:: Green>Blue>Crimson>Gold.. This is how they look exp wise:: Blue>Crimson>Green>Gold
If you have high range level i recommend steel/iron dragons for 30-40, they drop charms in groups of 2's (blue/green/crimson/gold). And they drop quite often.
Map to metal dragonies:

50-70 is probably one of the worst spots for you and your summoning career , it's hell. But don't worry, we have some tips for you on how to easily slide right through 50-70! Nechryaels, you must have 80 slayer but they drop crimsons at the beast rate in runescape. Easy Xp, + Its cheap to summon using crimson charms!!!

Basically Just hit 80 from hardcoring summoning, don't have much advice on 70-80 because i haven't gotten through it yet, but i still got information to share .
Usually a pure would stop around here, I myself like summoning so i keep going, but some pure get 99 and are legends cause 99summoning is so hawt If you decide to keep going, you should, i tihnk summoning is good to get to 99, one of the most useful stats but one of the biggest hassles in runescape.

So yea 80-99 you're almost there, just keep going, get charms, i recommend slaying for charms all the way from 1-99 because slayer monster often drop good charms, soon i'll make a slayer guide for 99 slayer. Slayer is also a useful stat because it basically is the supporting stat of summoning, with the nechryaels and all the charm drops revolving around slayer
Good monsters for charms from 80-99:
Rock Lobsters and Dust Devils(65 Sayer Required)


-----Things To Be Aware Of------
Summoning can give defence, watch out for the following pouches when traveling in multi areas:

Spirit Spider
Granite Crab
Spirit Scorpion
Spirit Kalphite
Vampire Bat
Void Spinner
Bronze Minotaur
Bull Ant
Iron Minotaur
Spirit Terrobird
Steel Minotaur
Spirit Larupia
Stranger Plant
Abyssal Lurker
War Tortoise
Mithril Minotaur
Arctic Bear
Granite Lobster
Adamant Minotaur
Giant Ent
Spirit Dragonnoth
Rune Minotaur
Unicorn Stallion
Iron Titan

Gu'Tanoth Route

Requirements: None.

Bring: As many empty pouches as you have (they are stackable), as many spirit shards as you have (they are stackable), as many charms of the material you need as you have (they are stackable), boots of lightness (optional), spotted/spottier cape (optional), and penance gloves (optional). The last three items reduce weight, which allows you to run longer. Fill the rest of your inventory with the relative item you need for the creature. Bring Watchtower teleport runes or tablets is also recommended.

Route: When you are done banking in the Yanille bank, leave the city through its western entrance. Once outside, go south east to the Gu'tanoth path. Follow the path northwards until you come to a small summoning hut with the obelisk. Teleport or run back to Yanille using the same route and repeat this process. Alternatively, you can use a Mithril grapple (requires 21 Range, 39 Agility, 38 Strength to us) to leave and access Yanille via the Agility shortcut in the southern city wall, if you do not have the requirements for the Watchtower teleport spell.


Onyx user!
Wow nice thread. I would love to have your skype and u can help me a little with that