Title: Get 450+ friends on facebook everyday!
Author: Roobik
Payment Options: Paypal
Copies Available: Unlimited. This won't get saturated.
Price: $1 USD
This is a private method of getting a bunch of facebook friends for your account. This method is good for e-whore or spreading on facebook. You only need to devote ten minutes of your day to get hundreds of people wanting to be your friend. If you wish to buy it and have any questions please pm me.
MF Vouchs:
Author: Roobik
Payment Options: Paypal
Copies Available: Unlimited. This won't get saturated.
Price: $1 USD
This is a private method of getting a bunch of facebook friends for your account. This method is good for e-whore or spreading on facebook. You only need to devote ten minutes of your day to get hundreds of people wanting to be your friend. If you wish to buy it and have any questions please pm me.
MF Vouchs:
Skype said:Vouch for this brutha!
Legit Ebook, and a great price.
I am going to use it everyday!
Tzesi said:Legit ebook and definitely worth the $1