1 letter email?


How much would a 1 letter gmail go for just curious.
Depends what the domain is. It's a yahoo or live its worth a lot.
Gmail has a character minimum of 6 letters I believe. Unless there was a point in which I'm unaware of that they were allowed. If you actually do have one, you could get quite a lot.
If its some random ass @live.co.nl.tk.biz.uk.org It isn't worth shit.

If its a @live.com @yahoo.com @hotmail.com etc ts worth quite a bit.
Honestly, I wouldn't know lol I mean if it is a "known Domain: such as google yahoo or live, pretty sure you'll get a good bit.
If it's like @ofwgkta or Fbi.al
Might get like 5-10$
Magneto said:
Honestly, I wouldn't know lol I mean if it is a "known Domain: such as google yahoo or live, pretty sure you'll get a good bit.
If it's like @ofwgkta or Fbi.al
Might get like 5-10$

It says in the thread that it is a gmail.
My fault, lol
well worth some decent money then on OP
Depends on the domain.

6@live.com sold for $400.
Things like y@fbi.al are worthless.

Also... You do not have a 1 letter gmail, they cannot be made.
630 said:
Depends on the domain.

6@live.com sold for $400.
Things like y@fbi.al are worthless.

Also... You do not have a 1 letter gmail, they cannot be made.

I know but I found out a way to know who owns an email

630 said:
Depends on the domain.

6@live.com sold for $400.
Things like y@fbi.al are worthless.

Also... You do not have a 1 letter gmail, they cannot be made.

Oh that's where you're wrong
For everyone that keeps asking about what domain it is: READ THE ORIGINAL POST.
I'm sure the one-letter Gmails were, at one point in time, able to be made.
I'd pay a nice chunk for it, but I wouldn't really know what to appraise it at.
I have never seen a 1 letter gmail. Ive had a 1 letter live.ca, but it wasn't worth much. Anyways GL if you have one.
Jews said:
I know but I found out a way to know who owns an email

Oh that's where you're wrong

1 Letter Gmails were made in an exploit of 2004-05.
I know for a fact it happened, and I know someone who actually had one.
They were all deleted / closed / fucked in the ass when youtube merged with google along with the other under 6 letter emails. I had Dead@gmail.com awhile ago, and when the merge happened it disappeared, I bought it for $130 -.- lul.

But no sir, you do not have one, you can tell me the email and I'll email you so people know you're not a bullshitter which I think you are.

Thanks for wasting your own time, and ours with this thread.

Now if you MIRACULOUSLY have a one letter gmail, I will accept something weird happened and you own it, but you don't. So.. Case Closed buddy.


You obviously can't read I don't own one but there is a way I'm not saying but if I do it works you'll see me again
Jews said:
You obviously can't read I don't own one but there is a way I'm not saying but if I do it works you'll see me again

From what I've heard in aim logs, you claim to have one and won't reveal it until you get an appraisal.

Whatever the REAL case may be, go ahead and die, you won't get one.