I've decided to give away a 1 month xbox love membership code away. I got it in black ops 2, I had to buy a new xbox,games ect because i had to leave most of my stuff in Zimbabwe. luckily i remembered my account information so i just recovered that its pretty cool in the united kingdom but its never hot :c
To win this you must post below saying why you should win this and i will chose the best reason.
I think I deserve this as I've been extremely active and supporting the site and a one month for my main tag would be extremely appreciated. Thank you for this.
I just bought a new gamertag and I don't have my own personal PayPal account to buy some gold for it. I started posting on here again and I've been on this forum for awhile.
I haven't been active on FK, but now that I'm settled in my new house I'll be more active. A one month would be nice to have, so I could put it on my silver account. Btw, you're a boss
i deserve this code because i am about to run out of live and i have been trying to be active and HQ on fk , also i bought a new gamertag and it needs live and i dont have the money today to buy it , also i have been running off 14 day trials for like a month now, so i would love to win this thanks
I have two weeks of live left and a lot of shit is going in my life right now and xbox is the only thing that is keeping me from killing my Mom's boyfriend.