1 Onyx Upgrade

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Well-Known Member
I'd like to upgrade someone who deserves it.. So, give me your recommendations and I'll pick someone by the end of the week. This may not be given depending on who gets suggested but I will pick solely on who I believe and who you guys believe deserves the upgrade.

This is for onyx only, no requirements apart from the user has to of been active on the forums.

(May not pick someone unless a user who I deem worthy of getting it deserves it.)
I recommend @Patch he looks really active and needs a upgrade.
I'd like to see @Patch get this.

I don't want to come off as being too humble though; it'd be awesome to see @Omnipotent win this.
I would like to see my boy @patch get this
I'm going to have to close this, I didn't realize the discounts only lasted 24 hours. Sorry for any misunderstandings.
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