1 Year XBL Gold Account


New Member
Hey guys! Im selling a XBL 1 Year gold account Its gamertag is
Zurfey. This Account has one year of live on it.
If you would like to buy it i will take a 1600MSP
Or 2, 800 codes.
PM ME Or Msg me on xbox GT:SpahrkL
Ill buy it for 5$. HMU. also there cant be any alts
All i want is MSP
i dont do paypal HMU ON Xbox
GT: SpahrkL
ZzzzZ said:
All i want is MSP
i dont do paypal HMU ON Xbox
GT: SpahrkL
Post proof yur a newbie bro why would ppl just add u POST PROOF
Wrong section and you need proof.
Proof that you actually own this account?
3 posts, no proof, seems legit. Kids these days.
Post proof of account ownership.
Also if you strip the gold off of the account, you'd be able to sell this much quicker.