Actually I'm about 100$ on minus atm. Getting that money back about in 4 weeks, that's the result of my calculations.
But in couple of months it should start rolling nicely.
Yes, I've invested about 150$ to Neobux and I can tell it's worth it.
First I raised my rented referrals count to 200 (22$ per 100)
And then I purchased Golden for 90$. And again one 100 ref pack.
And now I'm making little over 30$ this week, and with that Ill buy 100 more referrals, so I get about 10$ to my savings. Next week when I have 400 refs I should get about 40$ and again I'll rent more referrals and it makes 20$ to my saving next week I'll again get 10$ more than last week to my savings. This way I should get 100$ (which is still left from my investment) in 4 weeks, and in 8 weeks I should already have made 260$ profit.
I have recycled pretty many of my referrals, and over 220 of my all 300 referrals have over 2,0 average now a days.
few weeks back it was much much worse. So yes, I have been lucky, but I've been studying my referrals and I recycle the worst ones every day.
As pure profot I'm getting about 5$ per week, when I take off all the direct purchases.
I'm also trying to minimize the recycling costs.
But still 400 rented referrals eat quite big money. Some direct referrals might be good, but I got only 1 atm.
So my earlier calculations were badly wrong.
It might take me pretty ling before starting to earn well.