10$-20$ oG or Semi OG TAG

Please post your tags, I will pick one I want...

Only paying 10$-20$

And Im only going first to trusted users.
i have Diplomatist, Switchover, Briskets, Dark Arbok, Conevolved, Bankrolled and Controverted for around that price let me know my aim is T.orment

TU10: http://gyazo.com/192d25cfb710af0a1bddf43bcf197a10

Playing Mw3: http://gyazo.com/31f4f4aa5733d844675496ccc197f23c

Repution(Missed Spelt): http://gyazo.com/dfbf626f66cd5b160462e05dff8e1dad.png?1339611510

Anniversary HCE: http://gyazo.com/81b6480675f88384e55f00e4d0eaa375

Gyrostat: A gyroscope is a device for measuring or maintaining orientation, based on the principles of conservation of angular momentum. A mechanical gyroscope is essentially a spinning wheel or disk whose axle is free to take any orientation http://gyazo.com/27995cff09858c548f55b950813a8770

Chalazion: A chalazion (plural chalazia), also known as a meibomian gland lipogranuloma, is a cyst in the eyelid that is caused by inflammation of a blocked meibomian gland, usually on the upper eyelid.

Affixture: the act of affixing, or the state of being affixed; attachment http://gyazo.com/adc0ec35d1c7abaa0e4a66b86e240019

ItsJiggabooTime: http://gyazo.com/74a1a027276d01b3f20a4e25a1a75b58

Balminess: Having the quality or fragrance of balm; soothing http://gyazo.com/80131dccd8e5454522cc5a939eacea5c.png?1339613142

Xanthamide: An amido derivative of xanthic acid obtained as a white crystalline substance. http://gyazo.com/e9a96154795649594607b1beae1ac766.png?1339613304

CoDWackOff: http://gyazo.com/52833cea89f9b93cd00f3b820bed90e8

Limitless Gaming: http://gyazo.com/432a0eb277895f87eb417550eec3d08a

AlkalineBattery: http://gyazo.com/5d50944ddffef17bd899a548b392f30c