10 Koins

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Power member.
I know it isn't much, but whenever I get back to 10 Koins I give them away just because I have no use for them.

To enter, just leave the number you want and I will randomly generate a number and that will be the winner.

1. @Package
2. @hue
3. @Sadistic
4. @Yosemite
5. @Bananendealer
6. @Aimi
7. @n0X
8. @Fifty
9. @Alpha
10. @Sensation
7 please, I need the koinssssss :)
3 for me? Want some koins too :>
Hopefully this is for all members. But why not u choose number #8 man.
Thank you for this.
I'll take number one, thanks very much
Yosemite said:
My friend, @hue has just asked me to have you put him down for #2 if that's possible.
I would, but seeing as though he did not post and hasnt been on in a few days, Id rather give them to an active member that will actually use them.
XANAX said:
I would, but seeing as though he did not post and hasnt been on in a few days, Id rather give them to an active member that will actually use them.

His internet is just very poor up where he lives, and he can rarely connect to FK. He wants to save up for Koin Whore though.
But in the end it is your contest so it is up to you to decide if he is allowed to enter or not. :)
Sensation said:
Congratulations @Aimi
I wanted 6 but changed my mind to get 10 lol.
This definitely wont be the last one I do. Better luck next time! :p
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