If you enjoyed our list of must-follow fake Twitter celebs, then we wager you’ll love this offering of the best fictional accounts.
Whether you want to be amused by your favorite caped crusader, keep up with some cartoon characters or see tweets from film baddies, you’ll find it all in this fun list.
Take a look through the gallery and, because there are so many more great accounts that we didn’t have room include, share in the comments your favorites that didn’t make the list.
1. The Batman

Even more deliciously dark than the most recent Batman movie, this version of the caped crusader is an anti-hero indeed. Offering a stream of witty one-liners about just how tough he is, somehow the mix of real-life commentary mixed with Gotham City references works.
2. Mrs Stephen Fry

Did you know British comedy star and Twitter legend Stephen Fry has a wife and kids? Her name is Edna (we're not sure what the kids's names are -- all five, six or possibly seven of them). As the winner of a Shorty Award and author of Mrs Fry's Diary, she may be made up, but she's well worth a follow.
3. Bender

If you're a fan of Bender from Futuruma, then you'll enjoy this stream's acerbic tweets. This fan-run account manages to capture all of Bender's alcoholic, kleptomaniacal hatin', in a fun way, of course.
4. Death Star PR

If a space station ever needed a public-relations makeover, it's the planet-destroying Death Star. This Twitter account tries to mend the Death Star's reputation while also recruiting folks to the dark side. We only recommend following if you're strong enough to resist its sway.
5. Cobra Commander

It may be odd that a terrorist leader racked up more than 100,000 followers, but he's actually quite a funny guy. Two favorites include: "The one thing I loathe about women besides their incessant need to speak their opinions are these cursed gladiator sandals," and "Installing booby traps outside my office has cut down on useless meetings by 75%"
6. Darth Vader

Calling people "asshat," threatening tweeple and hashtagging commands with "obey" are just what we'd expect from the Sith Lord. Follow for cutting commentary from the dark side.
7. Homer J. Simpson

Everyone's favorite yellow donut-lover tweets via this official account. Despite its above-board status, it's actually very funny with an average of several tweets per week.
8. Lord Voldemort

Harry Potter's nemesis offers humorous commentary on current affairs and witty retorts, with various Potter references thrown in for good measure. With over a million followers it looks as if the Death Eaters are getting more and more numerous ...
9. False Peter Griffin

This unofficial account hasn't been going for a long time but it has already notched nearly 70,000 followers from just 17 amusing tweets. If you're a Family Guy fan, there's always Stewie to follow too.
10. Yoda

Finally, is your Twitter life lacking wisdom from a small green sage? Then follow Yoda you must ...

More About: batman, cobra commander, Darth Vader, gallery, homer simpson, parody, spoof, trending, twitter, Twitter Lists, voldemort, Yoda
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Whether you want to be amused by your favorite caped crusader, keep up with some cartoon characters or see tweets from film baddies, you’ll find it all in this fun list.
Take a look through the gallery and, because there are so many more great accounts that we didn’t have room include, share in the comments your favorites that didn’t make the list.
1. The Batman

Even more deliciously dark than the most recent Batman movie, this version of the caped crusader is an anti-hero indeed. Offering a stream of witty one-liners about just how tough he is, somehow the mix of real-life commentary mixed with Gotham City references works.
2. Mrs Stephen Fry

Did you know British comedy star and Twitter legend Stephen Fry has a wife and kids? Her name is Edna (we're not sure what the kids's names are -- all five, six or possibly seven of them). As the winner of a Shorty Award and author of Mrs Fry's Diary, she may be made up, but she's well worth a follow.
3. Bender

If you're a fan of Bender from Futuruma, then you'll enjoy this stream's acerbic tweets. This fan-run account manages to capture all of Bender's alcoholic, kleptomaniacal hatin', in a fun way, of course.
4. Death Star PR

If a space station ever needed a public-relations makeover, it's the planet-destroying Death Star. This Twitter account tries to mend the Death Star's reputation while also recruiting folks to the dark side. We only recommend following if you're strong enough to resist its sway.
5. Cobra Commander

It may be odd that a terrorist leader racked up more than 100,000 followers, but he's actually quite a funny guy. Two favorites include: "The one thing I loathe about women besides their incessant need to speak their opinions are these cursed gladiator sandals," and "Installing booby traps outside my office has cut down on useless meetings by 75%"
6. Darth Vader

Calling people "asshat," threatening tweeple and hashtagging commands with "obey" are just what we'd expect from the Sith Lord. Follow for cutting commentary from the dark side.
7. Homer J. Simpson

Everyone's favorite yellow donut-lover tweets via this official account. Despite its above-board status, it's actually very funny with an average of several tweets per week.
8. Lord Voldemort

Harry Potter's nemesis offers humorous commentary on current affairs and witty retorts, with various Potter references thrown in for good measure. With over a million followers it looks as if the Death Eaters are getting more and more numerous ...
9. False Peter Griffin

This unofficial account hasn't been going for a long time but it has already notched nearly 70,000 followers from just 17 amusing tweets. If you're a Family Guy fan, there's always Stewie to follow too.
10. Yoda

Finally, is your Twitter life lacking wisdom from a small green sage? Then follow Yoda you must ...
More About: batman, cobra commander, Darth Vader, gallery, homer simpson, parody, spoof, trending, twitter, Twitter Lists, voldemort, Yoda
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