$10 Paypal.

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Jarrett said:
Yep, too bad you won't be able to play BF4 or Ghosts with your friends on the 360.

True, but I'm sure a couple of them will end up getting the XB1 as well.
I'm sticking with the 360. Otherwise it'd be $120 for Ghosts and destiny (when it comes out) added to the $500 for the console.

Seems like a waist tbh
I also went back and forth. I am going to be getting an Xbox One. MY xbox 360 is broken currently so i am just going to wait it out. I am going to get Ghosts for Xbox one and some other games such as GTA V
I might be getting the Xbox One, but it isn't worth buying the games for both consoles.
Noscope said:
I'm sticking with the 360. Otherwise it'd be $120 for Ghosts and destiny (when it comes out) added to the $500 for the console.

Seems like a waist tbh

Well I only have to pay half, and only want a couple of games to go with it. It's a lot, but not too bad. I think it'll be great in the end.
Amp said:
Well I only have to pay half, and only want a couple of games to go with it. It's a lot, but not too bad. I think it'll be great in the end.

I mean, yeah it sounds good but is it really worth it? Idk man
BasedGod said:
I also went back and forth. I am going to be getting an Xbox One. MY xbox 360 is broken currently so i am just going to wait it out. I am going to get Ghosts for Xbox one and some other games such as GTA V

Similar story here. My fourth xbox was banned, and it was only a couple months old. So I was torn between buying a new one, or just waiting for the Xbox One.
Noscope said:
I mean, yeah it sounds good but is it really worth it? Idk man

I think so, especially if it lasts for as long as it's expected to without having any issues.
Amp said:
I think so, especially if it lasts for as long as it's expected to without having any issues.
Well let's see what the future brings. I'd get it but my brother and friends who I mainly play with are not getting it
Noscope said:
Well let's see what the future brings. I'd get it but my brother and friends who I mainly play with are not getting it

That's one of the downsides, I won't be able to play with any of the people who won't have it.
Amp said:
Congrats on the big 500 posts!

Not yet buddy, but thanks in advance

I have like 20+ posts in this thread alone lol
Nearing 100 posts with this, keep going!
Jarrett said:
Two Hundred and Fifty Posts! Lets go

nigga joined in February and i'm double your posts


but seriously doe 5hunned!
BasedGod said:
nigga joined in February and i'm double your posts


but seriously doe 5hunned!
Don't hate mate, I view more than I post.
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