I have been offered a great deal for a forum database, and I just cannot refuse the offer. So I am asking if anyone has any spare change or anything they would like to contribute to the site it would really truly help. This is literally a once in a lifetime opportunity, and will help forumkorner grow incredibly. I will need to hurry so the seller does not change his mind. The database has 100,000+ posts in 11,000+ threads, and 4,500 members registered. With all those threads being index will drive a very nice amount of traffic here, and also populate alot of this site with new content.
I can buy this for 100 dollars, and only have 9.55 in my paypal right now. If you can donate even a dollar or hell even 50 cents it would be awesome. Just click the donate button at the top of the page if you would like to help.
Below you can find some donation awards you can get for donating.
Donator - Donate a total of 5 dollars to receive this award.
Master Donator - Donate a total of 25 dollars to receive this award.
Extreme Donator - Donate a total of 50 dollars to receive this award.
All users that donate to help this cause will receive the Contributor award.
If someone is so generous to want to donate the full amount this will cost I will create an award they you can make. You choose the name you choose the image you choose the description. You even can choose whether you only get it or if you want to give it out to others. If you choose to give it out to others you are the only person able to give it to users.
Thank you guys, I am trying my hardest to not let opportunity slip away. But here is only so much I can do.
I can buy this for 100 dollars, and only have 9.55 in my paypal right now. If you can donate even a dollar or hell even 50 cents it would be awesome. Just click the donate button at the top of the page if you would like to help.
Below you can find some donation awards you can get for donating.
Donator - Donate a total of 5 dollars to receive this award.
Master Donator - Donate a total of 25 dollars to receive this award.
Extreme Donator - Donate a total of 50 dollars to receive this award.
All users that donate to help this cause will receive the Contributor award.
If someone is so generous to want to donate the full amount this will cost I will create an award they you can make. You choose the name you choose the image you choose the description. You even can choose whether you only get it or if you want to give it out to others. If you choose to give it out to others you are the only person able to give it to users.
Thank you guys, I am trying my hardest to not let opportunity slip away. But here is only so much I can do.