100 Koins - Winner=Norway

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Power member.
Pick a number from 1-10. Winner will receive 100 koins.

1. Aces
2. Tehstickle
3. Norway
4. Ariana
5. Apex
6. Mikey
7. J G
8. Plasma
9. Avith
10. Fruit

Number 3 was picked through random.org
Congrats Norway.

I will be doing another giveaway soon.
RE: 100 Koins

I'll take number 8 thanks for the giveaway decoto.
RE: 100 Koins

I'll take number 5, Thanks for the giveaway Decoto
RE: 100 Koins

number 7 bro thanks for this .
RE: 100 Koins

Ill take number 4 thanks for this.
RE: 100 Koins

I'd like to have number 9 please, thanks for hosting this and good luck to all!
RE: 100 Koins

9 please thanks for this btw

sorry anything thats available which is 10
RE: 100 Koins

I'll take any number left thanks!
Congrats Norway. I will be doing another giveaway soon.
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