1000$ Giveaway!!! No sigs/costs/conditions!

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Join the muskrat's today! we aren't even gay!
I am not interested in being apart of your $1,000 giveaway, but I must say this is very generous. Good luck to all the giveaway recipients.

To whom may win; what would you spend $1,000 on?
@Captain beem team muskrat supreem! thanks 4 the couch!
Jason said:
I am not interested in being apart of your $1,000 giveaway, but I must say this is very generous. Good luck to all the giveaway recipients.

To whom may win; what would you spend $1,000 on?

I would probably put it in my bank account or donate it to FK. 
Haven't decided yet, I guess I will know if I win this muskrat.

Radical said:
Any of you muskrats know how to view how many times people posted on this thread.

I use to know how to muskrat do that. Not too sure now.
Post #2 because a muskrat told me to.
Seven said:
Hopefully this muskrat isn't a fake give away. I will cry.

RT that muskrat. That'd be so disappointing. Ultimate troll.
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