1000th post gets the "Robbery" award free!

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Well-Known Member
Pretty simple task here, i will be helping out also!

Good luck and gratz in advance to the winner.
How about first post? Much more special.
Chill said:
Or maybe you can dedicate yourself to the thread and go for the 1000th.

I much rather prefer 1st. Who wants to skip all the way to the end? Exactly, makes more sense for it to be first poster.
Plague said:
I much rather prefer 1st. Who wants to skip all the way to the end? Exactly, makes more sense for it to be first poster.

If you can magically make 900+ posts pop up i will gladly give you the award!
well we can just keep replying to eachother. but 1000 is insane. Philly 250 post thread took like a week or something :3
Chill said:
If you can magically make 900+ posts pop up i will gladly give you the award!

Ok then, you asked for it. Be prepared
Difficult said:
well we can just keep replying to eachother. but 1000 is insane. Philly 250 post thread took like a week or something :3

All we need is like 4-5 dedicated people and we can get this easy as. 1000 posts doesn't take long at all!
Chill said:
All we need is like 4-5 dedicated people and we can get this easy as. 1000 posts doesn't take long at all!

i agree it shouldnt be hard to do, it's a free reason to post boost ;)
Will we get "in trouble" for spam?
lol I ALWAYS lose these :(
Magneto said:
Will we get "in trouble" for spam?
lol I ALWAYS lose these :(

Yes, of course you will. It's not hard to make a legit post within this giveaway. Just put some effort into posting and you will not get any infractions.
Chill said:
Yes, of course you will. It's not hard to make a legit post within this giveaway. Just put some effort into posting and you will not get any infractions.

Thanks for the tip, hopefully I can remember to pay attention to this thread unlike Philly's lol. Came back and it was on like post 170 :(
at least were almost there, lets keep this going babes
Are we to 1000 yet? You know I already won.
Chill said:
Just be patient my young padawan, the force will come in time.

Ain't nobody got time fo that. About to show you where I'm putting that force.
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