1000th post gets the "Robbery" award free!

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Shift said:
I lost top poster for today since i was gone the whole day dont worry ill go tryhard
Welcome back, i was god for the past 5 hours.
Shift said:
I lost top poster for today since i was gone the whole day dont worry ill go tryhard

You can't be top poster if you miss a day.
Nevermind, you can miss a few hours and still win.
I'm done.
Until someone hits you offline.
You know what, I don't even care anymore!
I'll be #2
You know what, I'm cool with that.
How do you check how many posts you've posted today?
145 posts just today.
God damn you.
I can't stop at this point, there's no going back!
You don't even need to try as it is
Let's get that tonight/morning. I want to get 500.
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