12Year Old Steam Account w 8 Games GIVEAWAY!

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Power member.
to make myself a name here as a legitimate user/seller, I'll give away one steam account which contains: 12 years of service badge, 8 games, CS 1.6, level 7, 5 year coin (if u purchase CS:GO), etc

1 koin = 1 extra spot

1. @smalls
2. @Spoilt
3. @blue
4. @Rane
5. @Cred
6. @finnesin
7. @upset
8. @blue
9. @TrigInc
10. @somber
11. @Revo
12. @Ajyoil
13. @smalls
14. @finnesin
15. @Piece
16. @upset
17. @Ponyo
18. @Rane
19. @Feel
20. @blue 
21. @Feel
22. @Spoilt
23. @Cred
24. @Ponyo
25. @TrigInc
26. @Piece
27. @upset
28. @Revo
29. @Ajyoil
30. @somber

P.S. I'll give everybody who already entered an extra spot to get this over with!

winner: #2 @Spoilt
RE: steam account giveaway

Might as well get it started, I'll take spot 17 appreciate the giveaway ! Gl to everyone
RE: steam account giveaway

1 koin = 1 spot
and if the giveaway is fake gl.
Ill take spot 7
RE: steam account giveaway

do you have any 4 or 5 digit accounts

just curious
RE: steam account giveaway

ahhh give me number 17 as well please thanks.
RE: steam account giveaway

Ill take 23 thanks for this man!
RE: steam account giveaway

I'll take number 15 for this. Thanks for the giveaway!
RE: steam account giveaway

I'll take #22 why not, thanks for the giveaway
RE: steam account giveaway

gimme any number fam, thank!!!!
RE: steam account giveaway

I'll take number 12. Thanks for this!
RE: steam account giveaway

I will take spot number 19, good luck everyone
RE: steam account giveaway (JOIN THE GIVEAWAY!)

I'll join any spot. Thanks you!
RE: steam account giveaway (JOIN THE GIVEAWAY!)

ill take number 9 thanks man apreciated
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