150+ More Smileys for Your Community


The SmileyCompany, home to one of the most recognisable logos in the world
, has generously provided vBulletin with an array of custom designed smileys.

Over 150+ Smiley's will be available for download in your Member's Area once vBulletin 4.1.5 releases.

The whole collection...

Installation (4.1.5+)
The smilies are already packaged within the build - no need to download the files.
  1. Go to your vBulletin Admin Control Panel -> Smilies
  2. Under Add Multiple Smilies, click on "Add Smilies"
  3. Choose the title, category, text to replace, and the smiley you want to add.
  4. Congratulations you've successfully installed the new smileys!

Installation (4.1.4 and below)
  1. Download the smiley pack in the vBulletin.com members area.
  2. Upload the smiley pack to your vBulletin images/smilies directory via ftp client.
  3. Go to your vBulletin Admin Control Panel -> Smilies
  4. Under Add Multiple Smilies, click on "Add Smilies"
  5. Choose the title, category, text to replace, and the smiley you want to add.
  6. Congratulations you've successfully installed the new smileys!

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