160 Microsoft Points [CLOSED]

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Active Member
I got an email from xbox live giving out 160 msp. You guys should check your inbox for it, I got it mine last Monday.

To win mine, pick a number from 1-8.

1. Devise

2. Haze

3. Kid

4. Tiger

5. Green

6. Cult

7. Fear

8. Alex

WINNER: #6 (took me awhile to stop recording because I forgot how to use it): [video=youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maJ5sndCfdA[/video]
RE: 160 Microsoft Points

Can i have 6 thanks man i need this
RE: 160 Microsoft Points

Can I have #3.

Also I have been looking periodically through my email but didn't get any. :(
RE: 160 Microsoft Points

ill take number 4 thanks man.
RE: 160 Microsoft Points

Could I get number 2? Thanks man!
RE: 160 Microsoft Points

Ill tkae 8 thanks man for this :)
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