[1Mill]#2 Contest[RSGP]

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This contest doesn't require much. Just post why you want the 1 million.

Why do you want the RSGP?:

I am setting up a better contest for paypal funds. I am waiting for my paypal to be unlimited..haha.
Why do you want the RSGP?:
I want the RSGP as it would add an extra 1m to my pot of money :p. Plus, who wouldn't want free gold?
Why do you want the RSGP?: To make another contest to give back to the community
Why do you want the RSGP?: Becuse I Realy Want Bandos Godsword And I Am And Have never been a good money maker exept pking but my pking acc got banned So I Can Only Skill...And I Only Wc Witch Isent A Good Way To earn Money
I want the 1 Mil RSGP to buy a whip that I can't currently afford. This would help me reach my goal (I have only 954k) of getting a whip. Thank you.
Why do you want the RSGP?: Got scammed 100m by a l33t member at HF and he was admin of his own forums. Can't trust anyone :/
i want the 1 mill RSGP because i just need some more money for my skiller to get more items to help on the way to meh 99s
Why do you want the RSGP?: I'm currently working on my favorite skill, Ranging. I don't make any money and having some extra cash would be nice. Thanks for the read :smiley:.
Why do you want the RSGP?:Starting out a new range pure, would be nice if I had some more cash (currently I have approx 800k) when I become members.
Why do you want the RSGP?: i currently cant play on my pker because he has literally no money. ive given up rs all together until i have enough to fund him. this 1mil rsgp will be enough to kick start my accont back up. thank you for this contest
I have chosen the_lol.
Please PM Me with your msn.

I will have another contest soon guys! Probably tomorrow! haha.
Dusk said:
I have chosen the_lol.
Please PM Me with your msn.

I will have another contest soon guys! Probably tomorrow! haha.

I don't have msn. :L
good job the_lol :D best wishes on your range pure
I won't lie, RepGold..I was strongly considering you!
Try my "RG Elite" CONTEST!
You can be upgraded ;)
You did get my pm right? o_O
Dusk said:
I won't lie, RepGold..I was strongly considering you!
Try my "RG Elite" CONTEST!
You can be upgraded ;)

<3 ;O
I need gold for solely one reason, and one reason only. If you gave me 1m, it would help me towards 99 mage and that's the one goal I have for Runescape at the moment. And when I achieve that goal, Runescape will actually be fun. And It'll be thanks to your donation.
Dusk said:
I have chosen the_lol.
Please PM Me with your msn.

I will have another contest soon guys! Probably tomorrow! haha.

Winner has already been said, wait for the next contest to happen
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