1st Gen Pokemon OG with COD stats


Selling my main: Koffing
MW3: 7th Prestige Lvl 80 Win/Loss: 8.27 1299 wins KD: 2.01 33k kills
(Includes most emblems titles and high level *if not gold main guns and secondary's)
BOPS: 7th Presitge
MW2: 9th Max Lvl
WaW: 10th Max Lvl
Cod4: 9th Max Lvl

I'll give u a tag or PP for this. Do you have AIM?
hey man im very interested please aim me T.orment have some trades you might take
My AIM is SpawnFrag anyone can HMU if they're interested but currently not interested in trades

*anyone interested in buying just the tag or just the stats separately can PM for that
130 Is legit. Vouch for this guy to :D sold him the tag. Good luck getting what you want
BLFire AIM me, also anyone who wants to buy the full account, it comes with all the DLC on WaW all the DLC on Mw2 and Rezurrection on BOPs
Nice gamertag and also nice account, should sell extremely fast good luck.
Hey don't trust lard he's cuff, and he got my account, Karachi banned. Like a fag. Well I will bid $60!!!