1st Gen Pokemon Tag


Power member.
Have had this tag for a good amount of time and bought it off a trusted user from the other form, I really dont play Xbox anymore and X1 is just pissing me off. Just seeing what offers i can get. If the price is right i will be willing to sell. PM if you have proof of funds to see the gamertag. Some users probably already know so please keep it to yourself please . In no rush to sell but i need money for my porsche that im fixing up . @philly will be the MM I might pay funds. 

BIN: $500
Really interested in this
Jw, would you take a trade of a tag worth the same amount?
Gawk said:
Really interested in this
Jw, would you take a trade of a tag worth the same amount?

simon he doesn't want any of your aids infested tags go scam somewhere else fucking root cancal
I pm'ed you about this the day you posted it. Hmu
Pm me the tag :') curious..........
Meow said:
Buy it so we can both be pokemon
I have a pokemon tag

what is the tag?...... LOL Meeooww