Looking for a price check on a 2 letter gamertag. Both the letters are the same, the tag is spaced. For example it is "A A" - And no that isn't the tag lol.
Don't ask me what it is because I won't tell you. The letters being the same raises the value, So I'm looking for what it's worth.
These are pretty low appraisals. 2 Letter spaced sell for 250-300, Unspaced sell for $600+ depending on the combination of letters. These being the same letter raises the value then other spaced ones that sell for 250-300.
Is the the r r or i i. The rest don't seem to be active. IK r r has fucking aids up the asshole so I would consider it like 200 if it's r r. Aids come cheap.
Is the the r r or i i. The rest don't seem to be active. IK r r has fucking aids up the asshole so I would consider it like 200 if it's r r. Aids come cheap.
rr is owned by Kevin, and no this tag has 1 console which is the original owner I got it off of, He's quitting Xbox and sold his console and everything. 0 aids and 0 things to worry about.