2 sick! spaced tags

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all turnt up

User is banned.
Selling or trading these super sick spaced tags.
Had these appraised on HF for 150+
PM For the tags please.
OK I replied to all PMs that I needed to.
These are still for sale/trade
I hope these tags aren't sick like "D am" or "L ow" or some crap. Now i hope they're sick like E vil would be or V icious.
You still have these? pm me i'm highly interested.
all turnt up said:
OK will do code. If you have aim...aim me

GWK you're a bitch. You let Tony UA my tag, and then you even betrayed your own best friend by changing his tag on him so you could have it but your punk ass got fucking turbo'd you greedy piece of shit. Kill yourself. Don't deal with this user. Sketchy as fuck, if you're looking to deal be prepared to get scammed.
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