$20 for 15 Decent tags!


User is banned.
Hey guys. Selling all tags as a bulk lot. Would be a good asset for someone who sells gamertags. Message me we can negotiate still

Philly said:
Big Poppa Wrote:  
Are all these as a whole sale http://www.forumkorner.com/thread-15204.html worth $20 you reckon philly?  Cheers Bro.

15 gamertags in total with decent names for 20 bucks. Yeah it's not bad at all.

Dean Winchester said:
Legit Deal here. Some one hit em up for this.

All the images for proof are in one group due to, to many images http://imgur.com/a/YFcz6 , http://i.imgur.com/n17ls.png[/CENTER]

$5 SkrillexDubstep​
This is for all you Skrillex Fans. His Dubstep is insane!

$5 - Infiltrata
If you are a True 12th Planet fan you would know this was his first known name for his DJ career. (Proof http://www.last.fm/music/12th+Planet). This tag may be spelt wrong but its fricken sick and has the right meaning!!​

$5 - Male Celebrity
This is what you call a famous male

$5 - Broken Chastity​
You know what this is for guys. You've done Well if you accomplish this

$5 - Easy Switch
Easy Switch is a cool name that basically says it all for itself.

$5 - Best Underdog
Best Underdog pretty much means your the best underrated player of them all. Would be a good tag for a beast player!

[align=center]$5 - Annulet

Annulet can refer to:
Annulet (heraldry), a mark in distinction
Annulet (architecture), a fillet or ring encircling a column​

$5 - Beltic
Beltic - Is the Tributary of the Asod River in Romania. Makes me think of a warrior though ha​

$3 - Hodophobia
Hodophobia - Fear of road travel. Nice tag to say and sounds cool! This is a legit word too! So its a must and cheap!

$3 - Xbox Loyalty
Xbox Loyal Or Xbox Loyalty - All True Xbox fans who are Loyal will want this tag

$3 - Skilleting
Skilleting - Skilleting someone or something

[align=center]$3 - Kritically​

Critically (spelt with a K) - Kritically thinking to achieve a task, then putting it into action

$3 - Metapad​
Metapad - is an open source text editor for Microsoft Windows 9x/NT/XP, developed by Alexander Davidson since 1999. It also has a lot of other meanings on Google. It also looks like Metapod off pokemon ha.

$3 - Frozen Account
Frozen Account - Someone has frozen my account defines everything -_-​

$3 - Name Reset​
Name Reset - Hate it when this happens​

Payment PP as a gift with note.
[size=xx-large]Wont got first. Can use Leaf'sMM[/size]
Flick me a PM

Please BUMP too guys. Much love Big Poppa!
RE: Selling Semi-OG's Kritically | Beltic | Stampler

Proof is needed or this will be closed.
RE: 4 Gamertags

how much you selling Kritically for? get back to me
RE: 4 Gamertags

If you could post definitions, that'd be coo.
RE: 4 Gamertags

Zen said:
If you could post definitions, that'd be coo.

There you go man, just put up the definitions for you then. Hope that helps you and the rest of the people viewing
RE: 4 Gamertags

Cheers man, much respect.

Just added the Tag Xbox Loyal to the list
RE: 5 Gamertags

I can MM if needed.
RE: 5 Gamertags

they are ok gamertags. glws man
RE: 5 Gamertags

I have Xbox Loyalty too. When I made the tag, I got both made encase someone might like either way. So both ways are an option And thanks guys

Updated a whole new list of names and changed the title for future use. Hope you all enjoy them!
RE: 10 Gamertags

Nice Tags Bro! Have a few that have caught my eye. Xbox Loyal/Loyalty are the best though. So is Frozen Account and Name Reset Haha. GLWS.
RE: Plenty of Tags Always Updating

Most of these are semi original but GLWS.
RE: Plenty of Tags Always Updating

Founder said:
Most of these are semi original but GLWS.
Yeah i know, but not looking for anything big Haha. Cheers for that though man!
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