Bull said:Doesnt make since, Literaly We have the same amount of posts. Also almost the same rep.
Leader said:2013 kids who think they're veterans are worse than any 2014 kid.
Bull said:You dont even have Power bro. And also have a ugly ass username.
Bull said:You dont even have Power bro. And also have a ugly ass username.
White said:The way OP types bothers me too much to consider this thread.
Skunk said:WhAt'z wRoNg wIt NoT hAv1Ng p0wweR brah
Oh god you gave me negative 5 reputation, Hurts my feelings. But you have Onyx?Marshall said:i d0nT paY MoNEy to Get BanNed FoR WaRNiNG LvLS Kid YoUr a RainBow
LOL BuLL im Done
Marshall said:LoL pLs I WaS iNaCtive And They ResET Rep IDiOT
YoU WerNt Here. PlUS TruL Or NaH
Color said:YoU WerNt Here for ResET eIthER, IDiOT.
Bull said:Oh god you gave me negative 5 reputation, Hurts my feelings. But you have Onyx?
Bull said:@Skunk, Nothing. Just he thinks hes god on FK. And doesnt have power.
Marshall said:Ru SURE?
I DOnT KnOW If SrS OR Nah?
PhilLY Said First POSt Gets FREe Onxy
So I Quick
PLs UpgraDe Me Phils