25$ PayPal Giveaway

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When and who said I had beef with you? @dusk
I will only enter one time.
Good luck to everyone!
Unfortunately I don't meet the to win this prize, but thanks for the giveaway anyways.
Really need this money, got scammed recently out of 45$ (my whole PayPal basically). Thanks for doing this giveaway man!
i would love to win this giveaway, thanks!!!
I just got back from vacation, I hope you have a good one mine was kinda boring
I will be leaving in about 3 hours. Please keep this thread active until I come back. I will pick winner when I get back home from vacation. If this thread reaches a lot of posts, I might make it more than a 25$ giveaway. It might turn into another 50$ PayPal giveaway.
Again really nice of you to do this, enjoy vacation.
ill enter in this, super sweet giveaway. Enjoy vacation!

Appreciate the ga. have fun of Vacation
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