3 Character Gamertag! (zw*)

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Onyx user!
Just selling a nice little 3 character of mine.
Not posting proof cause I don't want to get it banned so mods please PM me and I'll provide you proof.
PM me or hit me up on aim if you're interested or can't figure out the tag.
AIM: blind@live.com

Tag: zw*
* Hint: 3x2
Ahh , my old tag. Brings back memories.

PM me with proof though bro.
Still selling this, make some offers guys!
Bump lets get this sold for this consistent seller
Interested in trading tag for a semi og? I got the tag M*rrying.
Still for sale guys, looking for some offers!

Finally sold, thanks for looking guys!
Re-opened, still selling this.
Buyer had a problem with his PayPal!
I said I would buy the tag bro..
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