3 character GT 22$!


Selling the GT: y8f
Own it since last year you will get the email, security questions everything.

BIN: 22$

PM me or post below if intrested in buying only dealing with trusted members.
RE: 3 letter GT 22$!

Title is misleading, change it to "3 Character GT for $22". Nonetheless GL getting this sold, man.
Looks like somebody is trying to get someone banned :troll:
Trunks said:
Looks like somebody is trying to get someone banned :troll:
What is the point of your post trying to trash my thread? You think MS will ban it, because I am trying to sell it here? I don't have any pictures here so they won't have any proof.
Yes, censor the words out.

People would be annoyed if they bought this and 1 week later it got banned :?
Couldn't Microsoft just also look at the information changed based on when it was technically sold? And glws btw
censor it out before this shit gets banned. Ill pm you about it might be interested.
Censor it, MS will fuck your shit up, and if its on a console, they may ban other accounts on the same console, that shit happened to me...
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