3 Letter GT

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Well, my movers just broke my Xbox :/ I'm a broke boy and can't afford one for a while. So, i'm looking to trade my 3 Letter GT for a dank IG, Kik, Snapchat, or Twitter. PM me with what you have (with proof) and if I like it i'll tell you the tag. Thanks!
Early said:
Well, my movers just broke my Xbox :/ I'm a broke boy and can't afford one for a while. So, i'm looking to trade my 3 Letter GT for a dank IG, Kik, Snapchat, or Twitter. PM me with what you have (with proof) and if I like it i'll tell you the tag. Thanks!
What is the value of the tag? I don't want to tell you my stuff if it's worth less than $200
Bomb said:
What is the value of the tag? I don't want to tell you my stuff if it's worth less than $200

three letters are worth around $50 - $70.
@Vaginal You can't PM till you have 10 posts, Kik me: Pushed
that's fucking gay that your movers broke your xbox

i would have made them pay for it
@Reset Me too, but my dad's a fucking idiot and hired uninsured movers off craigslist :(
Early said:
@Reset Me too, but my dad's a fucking idiot and hired uninsured movers off craigslist :(

shit when i moved i moved all that shit myself. i don't trust people carrying my shit
@Reset I wasn't even home :( I was at my friends house, RIP

Also, you should send me the Earl avi eating pizza <3
Early said:
@Reset I wasn't even home :( I was at my friends house, RIP

Also, you should send me the Earl avi eating pizza <3

i got you fam

(removed link muahahhaha)
@Reset Thanks baby, edit that shit before some randibob cops it
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