35 day membership give away


Active Member
Alright. Instead of selling it, I thought I'd do a give away.
(not much, but it's the best thing I can give away atm)
It's a $15 pre-paid 35 day Runescape membership card.
Explain why you believe you deserve it the most.
(contribution to RuneGear, generosity, helpful threads, dumps, give aways, etc)
Winner will be decided in 2 days maximum.

Good luck!

I think I deserve it for the following reasons.

I've been a member on Rune Gear for right at a week now (check my profile). (I thought it was longer x.x)
Since I've been here I have:

Given away 3 accounts, for FREE. (dumps.. not sold) PROOF HERE
Hosted a contest to win 10M AND a free account (Reptarr won) PROOF HERE
Donated to RG (RG Elite member, soon to be a Sponsor)
And I am in the middle of creating another Contest (25M prize)

I'm a big forum guru, and as you can see, in the week that I have been here, I've done quite a bit

My membership is also 2 days from running out and I'm level 96 cooking! I can't let it run out nao!

Pick me! x]

Good luck to everyone that enters!! x]

I deserve the membership because I'm very active and always contributing to the forums. Whatever I know , I post up a tutorial , so people can learn. Dumped couple of accounts , posted tutorials and I'm a helpful member. Short and Simple.
I think I deserve the membership because; I cannot currently afford to pay for a membership. Another reason is because soon after I become a better whaler I'll contribute donations and possibly hold contests

Thankk you!
I think I deserve it because;

No reason. I really don't. Good luck to all others!
I think I deserve it because:

- Active
- Nice + polite
- With the membership, I will actually play ~6 hours a day everyday and I have no more cash to update my membership (runs out on the 11th April) and so I really need cash. With this 1 month I have enough time to get more cash for membership.
- So I will put the membership to the best use possible.
I think I deserve it, because I've contributed voluntarily though means of being active and trying to bring more cohesion to the forums. Not everyone has money to hand out, but despite that, I've managed to help regardless of my monetary setbacks.
The winner will be chosen within the next hour.

Alright. I had a hard time choosing the winner, it came down to 2 of you. The winner is Bcg. Congratulations Bcg on your win. I will pm you with the details.

There will be another one within the next week or two so keep an eye out

Very legit.. Predator went through with the giveaway, and the pin works!

Thanks a lot! Sorry to everyone else who entered! x[
I'll give one away in a month or so to make up for it!

Thanks again, Predator,

I think it I deserve it. But BCG deserves it more he has done a lot in almost no time at all!
absentkid12 said:
I think it I deserve it. But BCG deserves it more he has done a lot in almost no time at all!

I appreciate that. You'll win one! I didn't think I would!

I'm late but I think I deserve it , also predator you did the cybergate tut long time ago?
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