38 New Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed


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Aaaaand…we’re back! The list might seem intimidating, but this week’s roundup of top Mashable features will ultimately save you loads of time otherwise spent scouring the web for tech resources.
We’ve compiled the past week’s features, how-tos and insights into a handy little package — and it’s just for you. Presenting everything from geeky galleries to thoughtful think pieces, this handy guide is here to help.

Editors’ Picks

15 Beautiful and Creative QR Codes [PICS]
Creative QR codes can entice consumers into scanning them. We’ve found 15 excellent examples in our inspirational gallery.
7 Ways Google+ Users Are Getting More Out of Their Circles
We’ve talked to users who have devised clever ways to use Google+ circles. Here they share their best practices so you can learn from their early mistakes and successes.
HOW TO: Use Google+ For Your Job Search
The new social network on the block is a burgeoning space for early adopters to congregate. Here’s how to use it for your job search.
Why Location-Based Gaming Is The Next Killer App [OPINION]
Game experiences that combine the real and virtual worlds are about to be the next big thing and the market is primed for a big hit. Here’s why that hit game might be coming soon.
4 Ways iPads Are Changing the Lives of People With Disabilities
Touch devices like the iPad are revolutionizing the lives of children, adults and seniors with special needs.

Social Media

Our Favorite YouTube Videos This Week: The Heat Wave Edition
We still have a least another month of this weather on the mirage-laden horizon.
Top Twitter Trends This Week [CHART]
For those of you who are tired of seeing Justin Bieber top these charts, take heart. Not only did he not make it this week, but pioneer geneticist Gregor Mendel did. Sort of.
Meet Some of Turntable.fm’s Top DJs
Mashable contacted some of buzzy, still-in-beta startup Turntable.fm’s power users to reveal the women and men behind the avatars
What Twitter Can Learn From Facebook [OPINION]
Twitter is feeling the heat from new early-adopter darling Google+. Here’s what the company could learn from Facebook to continue growing.
Google+ Chrome Extensions: 5 More Handy Tools
Based on feedback from the Mashable readership, we’ve narrowed down five more useful Chrome Extensions that will improve your Google+ experience.
The History of Advertising on YouTube
Take a look at the infographic to see how the site — and its advertising strategy — has evolved since its founding in 2005.
How Governments Are Using Social Media for Better & for Worse
Governments and social media have reached a tentative partnership. While the Internet is no longer a “Wild West,” people in power are still trying to figure out how best to approach online communities and their social tools.
What the Republican Town Hall Taught Us About Twitter as a Debate Platform
Now that the Republican Twitter debate hosted on 140TownHall.com is over, its organizers are viewing it as a general success. But they do admit to some challenges as well.
Google+ Tips & Tricks: 10 Hints for New Users
From quicker sharing options to better content curation via savvy privacy settings, we’ve got 10 tips and tricks native to the new service that will have you Google Plussing like a pro.
Mashable’s Birthday: 6 Years Covering Digital News and Innovation [INFOGRAPHIC]
Mashable has been witness to a lot in our six years of existence. This infographic documents just some of the major events we’ve reported on during that time.
9 Excellent Celebrity-Powered Social Good Campaigns [VIDEOS]
Want to see John Mayer make fun of Justin Bieber? Want to see Ed Helms run around Africa in a silly safari outfit? Now do you want to see them do it for charity?
12 Food Trucks Mashable Readers Love
Mashable asked you about your favorite food trucks. With more than 100 submissions, it’s clear the mobile food industry has reached nationwide.
Google+ Hangouts: 4 Creative Ways People Are Using Group Video Chat
From intimate concerts to a new way of co-working via cooking lessons, Google Plussers are making the most of Hangouts in fun, new ways.
Why Social Accountability Will Be the New Currency of the Web
How can we find a language of currency for the Internet? The answer lies in accountability based influence, which asks, “How can my actions speak louder than my words?”
Google+ One Month Later: What’s Next?
Google+ is one month old, so it’s time to ask: what’s next for Google’s social network?
15 Google+ Sites & Services for Power Users
From directories where you can find new Plussers, to sites that will show you the hottest posts and even resources that will help you get more out of the service, we’ve rounded up 15 fab online destinations for Google+ users.

For more social media news and resources, you can follow Mashable’s social media channel on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook.

Tech & Mobile

Tablet Publishing: Why Sports Illustrated Is Looking Beyond the iPad
Why is Sports Illustrated producing editions of its magazine for Android and webOS tablets when all evidence suggests that it will be some time before these devices reach critical mass?
The History of Android [INFOGRAPHIC]
Android’s box of sweets has gotten much more diverse since it launched its first dessert-themed operating system update Cupcake in 2009.
10 Sleek Google+ Icons for Your Website or Blog
Now that you’ve had a few weeks to get your feet wet with Google+, it’s time to make sure your other web properties are linking to your +Profile in style.
Which Tech Giants Birth the Most Successful Startup Founders? [INFOGRAPHIC]
What happens when entrepreneurial types leave the nest of a tech giants? They found their own startups.

For more business news and resources, you can follow Mashable’s business channel on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook.

Business & Marketing

Why Dependability Is the Most Important Quality for Businesses [OPINION]
The number one trait you can develop as a business owner to instill confidence in your customers is dependability. Here’s why.
14 Ways to Create a Memorable Business Card [PICS]
Need ideas to help you revamp your business cards? From scented and edible, to 3D and digital, we’ve gathered inspiring online resources to help you create the next big thing in business cards.
HOW TO: Get Journalists To Tell Your Story
How do you stand out among your competitors and catch the attention of journalists? Here are tips for being a good source and getting your story told.
8 Ways To Recruit Startup Talent Using Social Media
Having top talent is a crucial way to guarantee startup success. How can you use social media to get the best team for your startup?
The Web & Business Tools Startups Use Most [INFOGRAPHIC]
Now that startups have a plethora of web and cloud services to choose from, which ones are they selecting to run their young businesses?
HOW TO: Successfully Run a Social Media Contest
Online contests can be a great way to build a fan base, gather data and engage an audience. Here’s how to run one successfully using social media.
The Pros and Cons of Moving Your Business Into the Cloud
Cloud computing can be a good option for small businesses, but what are the pluses and minuses of moving to the cloud?
The State of the Tablet and Ereader Market
Here’s the skinny on how big the tablet market actually is, who’s buying tablets, how apps and 4G connectivity figure into their success, and more.
HOW TO: Utilize Social Data More Effectively
Learn how to successfully build social data into marketing programs.
Freelance Web Development: 9 Tips for Better Project Management
Taking on a large project can be both exciting and intimidating. Here are tips to help you stay organized and productive, whether you’re working individually or as a team.
Gamification: How Competition Is Reinventing Business, Marketing & Everyday Life
Can life, and all the menial or routine tasks that come with it, be transformed through game mechanics into an engaging, social and fun recreational activity?
10 Tips for Better Startup Marketing
You need to do more for your brand than simply create a Twitter account. Here are 10 strategies that have worked for successful entrepreneurs.
The Future of Social Customer Relationship Management
Social media platforms and technologies are transforming customer relationship management. Brands must learn new ways to measure customer data and value in the context of the social web.

For more business news and resources, you can follow Mashable’s business channel on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook.
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