4 letter word kik


User is banned.
Kik - Ouch (just like I put it)

Just wanting a few appraisals for this thanks.
Aren't you Cole the scammer? You scammed softball IG and some others.
No I got these items from cole...
@rare @hackrally show proof of me scamming
That's not me lol I got these from him if you have actual proof of me which I have no idea who you are then hmu, until then don't accuse me for something I didn't do, thanks. @hackrally
cole isnt a scammer and this isnt even his fk
This is Cole, I can tell by some of the users who rep'd him. Glws
Please provide proof that I am "Cole" this is stupid how I'm getting accused. Find some proof then lmk! @Ambien
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