4$ PayPal offer me.


Hi everyone. I have 4$ PayPal. I'm looking for anything. So offer me. Pm me or kik me @bestbuy ! Thanks !
Sell you my soul for $4.
What are you tryna get for $4, man?
Radical said:
See this is the money you made off scamming.

DWC user scammed me offsite awhile back and impersonated @"50 cent"

He scammed $4? Dang, living the high life. Don't spend it all in one place! @paid.
Radical said:
Lol he scammed my kik exorcisms a while back.

I still got proof on my laptop of this guy.

I wasn't saying you were lying, I just think it's funny he scammed $4.

I once scammed two pubic hairs and a coffee mug, interested in trading those @paid. ?

Edit: I was jk btw, I've never scammed. Just for all the dummies who couldn't catch on.
Radical said:
I, see this is the money you made off scamming.

DWC user scammed me offsite awhile back and impersonated @"50 cent"

I remember this thanks for alerting the community I made a community warning a while ago.

I don't know why people impersonate me I hardly buy and sell on FK lol.
This thread is 100% aids. I wish I could go back in time and stop myself from clicking on it
I'll sell you Ello @offensive for this much. lmk
I'll sell you any of these


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