48 hour code contest

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Paul H.

Power member.
I have a 48 hour code recently acquired from the legit user Cops. Here's how you can win it!

You need to make a poem singing the praises of the forum software MyBB and how awesome it is. It can be a funny poem, a serious poem, a love poem, a whatever poem, or all of them in one if you're that badass of a poet. Length doesn't matter but the longer it is the better chances it probably has. If you sing/rap it and put it on YouTube you have an even better chance. Post the entries in this thread.

I'll choose and announce the winner this Sunday, November 4th
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
I love MyBB
More than you
Hey there,
MyBB is so good.
It's like we in the hood.
Got thugs and gangstas around
Too bad it's the internet, laugh out loud
MyBB is like watching TV, it's just so good.
It has the best forums, it's user friendly everyone can use it, I even could, and I should.

Now about that 48 hour code
I need to make a Poem here I was told
and here, I'll even make this line bold
but seriously let me get that yo
or I'll chop off your big pinky toe

MyBB is the best,
You cannot compare it to the rest,
It's not the vBulletin bad,
Where it looks like the designers are from Baghdad,
The GUI is laid out nicely
The owners did it so precisely
I wonder what the internet would be,
without the software; MyBB
Cole wins, PM me for the code Cole!
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