@explode is type of nigga to get a wanted star in Grand Theft Auto, drive to the police station and turn himself in.
@Dunk is the type of nigga to pick up a soccer ball and say "you don't deserve to be kicked around like that."
Explode said:
@Dunk is the type of nigga to pick up a soccer ball and say "you don't deserve to be kicked around like that."
@explode is the type of nigga that would get nudes from a girl then photoshop clothes back on her body and send it back.
@Dunk is the type of nigga to feel sad about the losing team in the Superbowl.
Dunk said:
@explode is the type of nigga that would get nudes from a girl then photoshop clothes back on her body and send it back.

Dunk is the type of nigga to see a pic on twitter saying:
"{name} is the type of nigga that would get nudes from a girl then photoshop clothes back on her body and send it back."

then use it as a comeback.
@Dunk is the type of nigga to get a nosebleed when he looks at a hot girl.
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