4th of July Giveaway! (FREE Usergroup!)

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Any of you peeps here want to have a convo on this thread?
Therapy said:
Any of you peeps here want to have a convo on this thread?

Im down if youre down. I want to really win ths
Cred said:
Im down if youre down. I want to really win ths

Well, I just uploaded a video for the award being given out today, how is your day?
@blue yeah dude. Nothing is better than watching fireworks high.
Therapy said:
Well, I just uploaded a video for the award being given out today, how is your day?
My day is pretty good, im playing some csgo right now, so thats cool
Cred said:
My day is pretty good, im playing some csgo right now, so thats cool

I also got a pair of new Astro A40's today I fucking love them.
Agony said:
I'll post for another chance. It would be nice
your userbar setup looks sick lol. Didnt know you could have two ubs
Gear said:
Sure bro, I'm watching the purge right now but suggest me a movie to watch after it

The Conjuring 2, I should be watching it tonight with @ambien (Only if this fgt comes through)
Therapy said:
I also got a pair of new Astro A40's today I fucking love them.

I was thinking about getting them but everytime i have some money saved up I totally forgot what i wanted to get lol
Agony said:
A lot of people going ham on this thread lol.

Hell yeah, this group looks really nice, I would flip if I won it.
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