Title: PayPal verification by Cruc
Author: Cruc/Crucifixo (same person - me)
Pages: 13
Payment Options: PayPal
Copies Available: Unlimited
Resale Rights: 20$
Price: 5$
Author: Cruc/Crucifixo (same person - me)
Pages: 13
Payment Options: PayPal
Copies Available: Unlimited
Resale Rights: 20$
Price: 5$
You can find the review below!
This is a 100% legal method on how to verify your PayPal for free!
You don't need to be 18/21+ or have a CC or BA.
This is a very detailed and cheap e-book, considering that verified PayPal accounts are being sold for 10$ each. And you can make UNLIMITED of them for only 5$!
Yes, I am that awesome.
You don't need to be 18/21+ or have a CC or BA.
This is a very detailed and cheap e-book, considering that verified PayPal accounts are being sold for 10$ each. And you can make UNLIMITED of them for only 5$!
Yes, I am that awesome.
Another important fact is that I will having NO profit of this. You won't give the money to me, you will donate it to Marketforums.org in my name :biggrin:
Review by Android:
Android said:Hello! I have reviewed your Ebook and here is my feedback!
Title: PayPal Verification by Cruc
Author: Cruc
Pages: 13
Review By: Android
The quality of information provided in the eBook was awesome. The author, in this case the member Cruc described every step enough to anyone understand since he also provided high quality pictures that are visible just nice.
The method described in the eBook was really easy to follow. I've tried it myself and I didn't had any minor problems in the whole process of getting my PayPal account verified. There are some useful links provided that are used trough the whole guide so it makes it even easier to follow. I personally think that anyone who got an internet connection can do this, no matter how old are you.
-> This should say 'Originality', sorry.
The method is really unique and not seen before, at least not the same way he does that. This one isn't public and it's self written by the author itself, and that's why it makes the whole think unique.
I've only managed to find some minor grammatical errors in the whole eBook and that's all. Good job.
I would like to highly recommend this eBook to anyone who wants to verify his PayPal account within twenty minutes. The verification is instant and the method works. I've tried the method myself and it took me barely 10-15 minutes to get my new PayPal account verified. I think you, Curc have done a great job.
That was one of the best, unique methods/eBooks that I've personally reviewed in the past few months, and this is a true unique, working method that doesn't involve any kind of fraud.
Impurity said:Big vouch for Cruc! He's legit
Zammyslave said:This is a great method, I also got my Paypal verified in a matter of minutes.
Big vouch.