5 Account Giveaways!


Onyx user!
All accounts are gone, I'm sorry I couldn't give out the last one as my friend changed his mind at the last possible second
Congratulations to our winners:

PedoBear, Sexy, Assassin, & Zangrefia!

Have fun guys, and keep contributing!
I have a puropuro auth, so if any of them have 90 hunter i'd love it.
I need a Any of these, my main recently got ban and i would love a new one or a pure because i love pure pking! i used to be a pure myself or a skiller because my goal in runescape for the past 6 years is a red partyhat.
I don't need one, but I would sure like one!

Pm me if i win ----love Sexy.
I want these accounts so I can get into runescape again. Would be very appreciate if you let me have them.

Reaperrr said:
I want these accounts so I can get into runescape again. Would be very appreciate if you let me have them.


Damn SON, you want ALL of them?
Greedy much?
I would like an account because I feel like I've contributed much to this community and I feel like an account would benefit me nicely. It would help me get going back into the runescape genre of things, and help give back to this community. Thank you
Im interested in the skiller or pure, Basically i want a skilller because skillers are awesome, just walking around and wearing things more expensive than your bank and having a higher total level than you while being like level 3, I want a pure because i want to destroy people in the wildy :3
Thank you for the account
Thanks for the account man.
Reaperrr said:
Aw Pedo won Haha nice job my pedo-e pedo

I actually won a few hours ago, I got one of the pures.
I just now posted my thanks.
An account to use to play with my irl friends that started to play the game so why not.
I guess the Pure,
Reason? Cause i can sell it. Jokes
Na so i can be in Carbon's Clan if its a range skiller.

Good luck to everybody else
Even though im new, i probably won't win it. But never judge a book by its cover
I need a skiller. Botted harsh , i had a level 3 with 85 mining. Banned Perm. GG I LOSE!
Pedobear your lucky. You won RG elite and got RS account. I'm jelly
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