I was selling this when it was in V1/V2 (lol) but I ended up going to V5 all the way after than releasing it publicly.
It's 25/10/2011 today, and it's confirmed working (so what's that, 8 months still working? lol).
Knock yourselves out.
If there's any errors or booboo's, post here since I just grabbed this source from my HDD, haven't touched it in about 6 months (no idea if there's any possible bugs trololo).
P.S - Sorry niggies, I spent a lot of time on this. I won't just spread a mediafire link.
Plus you'll save more time doing the survey and using the bot than manually clicking all your neobux ads. Download - http://adf.ly/3NLuB
(I didn't want to resort to using adf.ly but tiny url links are blocked even though they have no ads lolwtf).