5 Letter OG


New Member
Got a 5 letter up for sale



C/o: NA

PM me proof of funds and AIM if you want to buy to find out full tag. Escrow/middle man accepted.

Bitcoin Only
Damn, this must be one hell of a tag.
This better not be that banned c tag, I'm interested. pm me
Pretty sure I know this tag, It's for sure worth the price.
When you get enough posts you should PM me the tag OP, I'm actually curious as to what this is.
tag hasn't ever been on market so none of you guys will know this. Has been obtained from OG owner and I plan to swap it so no one but the buyer will know this tag.
Raptor434 said:
tag hasn't ever been on market so none of you guys will know this. Has been obtained from OG owner and I plan to swap it so no one but the buyer will know this tag.

How will you know whos going to buy it for sure?
I think ik what your talking about @torment

And has anyone seen the tag and verified that it's worth 1k?
hey im new to the site, just wondeing why everyone censors the gamertags in these threads?
Unrelenting said:
hey im new to the site, just wondeing why everyone censors the gamertags in these threads?

For some reason u can get banned if u dont
Re: RE: 5 Letter OG

classes said:
For some reason u can get banned if u dont
ms dont allow selling of gamertags mate, thats why you star out, so ms dont know the tag