[$5] Make $100+ a day Automated![Officially Reviewed 4/5][Crayo Approved]


Active Member
I'm selling a straight forward guide to making virtually as much money as you are willing to put in the effort for; once you start this process you barely have to monitor it at all.

The best part? It can be yours for a measly $5 dollars. That's right, five dollars.

Part of the proceeds will be donated to the current project to bolster MarketForums' membership based. Premiums may click here to view more information.

Price: 5 USD
Reseller: 10 dollars for the first two copies, then 25 USD following.
Copies Available: Unlimited

This guide doesn't include/require:

  • Anything Blackhat: This guide is completely legal
  • Any required investments: Use your friends to start you off
  • Advanced Knowledge: This E-book will point you to every resource you need, no need to even use google!

Crayo said:
This e-book is very well made and I would recommend it to any member.

Methods of Payment:
Paypal - With certain stipulations

Buy Now with Paypal

Terms of Sale:

By purchasing this E-book you are agreeing to the following terms:
*You are forbidden from distributing this guide without reseller rights.
*You are forbidden from giving out the link or the password to the guide. (Please?)
*All sales are final, I am not held responsible for your inability to follow simple directions.
*All violations will be persecuted to the fullest extent on MarketForums.


Active Member
RE: Make $100+ a day Automated!

Damn, I hope I get more money on PayPal quick, I want to buy an eBook like this.


User is banned.
RE: Make $100+ a day Automated!

Hello Knight!
If you would like us (The reviewers) to review your eBook for
better chances to get sales,contact LMCampbell or Reviewer!
We will provide a review pointing out the advantages and disadvantages of buying your ebook.

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The Reviewers


Active Member
RE: Make $100+ a day Automated!



Active Member
RE: Make $100+ a day Automated!

Reviewers form for posting a review:
Title : Make $100+ a day Automated!
Author : Knight
Pages : 6
Review By : Roobik

Very nice looking e-book, many suitable colors are included.

The quality of the e-book layout and structure is A+ and the methods are very
well divided to clearly show how he makes money.

Perfect, no mistakes.

I've seen this method(s) before, one was actually a public source, so as for
originality I have to rank it at a high 2/5.

The ebook is very easy to follow; it begins with a table of content and each
page it kept for each topic/idea so it's easy to refer back to in the future.

This is a well worth it purchase. Expect to earn about $10-25 in the first week.
It's good, but once you get lazy the autopilot will die down. For anybody who
is wondering: this does include Sharecash.



Active Member
RE: Make $100+ a day Automated!

kool_zero said:
Does this involve cpalead?

No, although the method explained could be modified for CPALead. I'll make an e-book about CPALead once I read more into it. Perhaps just a freebie for MF?

Xypher said:
Can you give us a bit of insight on what the method involves? (PPC, PTC, GPT, etc)

This involves using a particular way of working around the system. It uses both Sharecash and GPT although not together, there are two methods within the e-book that are both explained.


Active Member
RE: Make $100+ a day Automated!

As you may have read in the posted review this is a working method. However, if you really need pictures of my personal experience with the method I would be happy to provide them.


Active Member
RE: Make $100+ a day Automated![Officially Reviewed 4/5]

Bump - Adding reseller soon to this book so keep an eye out for it.