5 Year Anniversary Onyx Giveaway!

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@rare yeah I keep missing it right now? I'll be ready to snipe later.
@anz lemme know when you're going for it again, I can help.
Let's keep this going, easy free upgrades guys!
Don't let this thread go to the bottom guys!
@rare I'm here now help me win this one for the love of god
@toxic Thanks man, I'm actually here to snag this one =p
Sorry I couldn't help, about to pass out. @anz
Let's get this thread bumping. Free onyx for every 10th post!
Wow man, these are some once in a blue moon giveaways! I'll enter this.
Bumping before I go to work, hopefully a few more users can win a free upgrade.
3 more posts and someone wins themselves Onyx!
Uh oh! Who's gonna get it! *Music intensifies*
Gonna post this and allow another member to snag this upgrade. Good luck!
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