I was kindly given a review copy of this ebook. Here is my overall review.
Quality: 9/10
This ebook overall has great quality and is worth the money. There are multiple methods that are explained very well along with pictures. From my experience, these method will never become saturated, it's literally impossible.
Method : 10/10
The main method in this ebook is INSANE. I have never seen it before, or anything even remotely similar. At first i thought this was going to be just like all the other ebooks, but i was pleasantly surprised that this method is completely new. It's very simple and good for beginners yet very powerful. There are also some added bonus ebooks that are just as good as the main method. Honestly, i think $600 a day is an understatement. All of these methods combined could make even more than that.
Grammar: 9/10
Great grammar throughout the ebook. I didn't see one spelling mistake, i can tell he spent a good amount of time revising and writing this.
Layout: 9/10
The layout is very good. It isn't drowned out with a ton of writing so you're reading the whole time. There are a good amount of helpful pictures that definitely helped me undertand the concept better. It's straight to the point and filled with great information.
Overall 9.5/10
This ebook is AMAZING overall. This is definitely for you if you want to make some nice cash and keep up a stable income. Fast and effective. Do not hesitate to purchase this if you want to make some serious money!