50m Singing Contest!

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Power member.
As most of you know, I am hosting a singing competition. You have now until October 30th to submit an entry.

-If videoing, must show piece of paper with saying "<Insert Name> from RG" before you start singing.
-If not videoing, must include "Rune Gear" in the lyrics as well as stating who you are from Rune Gear at the beginning or end of the song.
-Whole song must not be rap or screamo, though they can be included in the song.
-Must sing for at least 1 minute.

You will be judged mostly on quality, how good you are. If you aren't that good, you will also be judged on how humorous your performance is (this would be better with video as you could attempt to dance while singing).

Prizes (RSGP) are as follows:
1st Place - 30m
2nd Place - 15m
3rd Place - 5m

If the funniest performance is not in the top 3, you will get a shout out. :)

I wish everyone the best of luck. Remember to have fun!

-Lifewish (Deathwish)
(Will add as you guys enter.)

-Those who did not place in the top 3 will still get a chance to win money! You will get to choose a number between 1 and 500 for a chance to win 5m. The number will randomly be generated.
Mr.Anderson said:

And I'll make my entry in a little bit.

Once you submit it I will add your name to the list and include your entry. =D

Hopefully more enter soon. I would like to see more than 5 enter. 10 would be nice.
Um Yo Im in So What Can we Do funny song's or something Or You just saying that In general Cause if were doing funny song's I'm Gonna Rap :p
KingofKings said:
Um Yo Im in So What Can we Do funny song's or something Or You just saying that In general Cause if were doing funny song's I'm Gonna Rap

I was just saying funny in general.

And like I said before, the whole song can't be rap but rap can be included.
If we do a song may we have the music in the backround? softly so, you will be able to hear it but very softly, you will only hear the music and me singing?
Mitch said:
If we do a song may we have the music in the backround? softly so, you will be able to hear it but very softly, you will only hear the music and me singing?

I suppose.
Okay, Singer won..

Don't even wanna try now lololol. Singer, you're voice is so goooood.
Mr.Anderson said:
Okay, Singer won..

Don't even wanna try now lololol. Singer, you're voice is so goooood.

You have to try. First 3 places get $$$. Plus all entries that didn't get placed in top three get to choose a random number for a separate contest. =2 chances to win money just by entering.
Can i send in 2 songs 1 for the funniest and 1 for the singing?

Haha, I'll still be entering. I was just saying, he has an amazing voice lol.
Gulp I hope I'll have some time over the weekend to enter. I'm busy all this week with different tests, and I need my family out of the house to record .

Also to any who can't play any instrument(like me), google for a karaoke version, you can find the songs melody but no lyrics, that's what I'll use. Is it fine if I have that at normal volume, since you'd only hear my voice?

EDIT: Singer you prove you deserve your name, you're awesome man .
When does this contest close for judging? Like Cubs, i'm bust during the week.

Maybe Sunday? That'd be nice!
Meetmyarrow said:
When does this contest close for judging? Like Cubs, i'm bust during the week.

Maybe Sunday? That'd be nice!

It says the 30th, 1 week from now. I'm hoping if he doesn't get 3 people, he'll allow it to go longer if I can't get mine in on time.
Oh, haha my bad. That'll work too!

I may extend the deadline a few more days if we don't get enough entries.
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