50th user to post gets Power+ FREE!

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Vinc said:
Ah alright, thank you. Will probally have $40 soon
Yup, no problem m8. Hopefully you can get it.

matigo said:
@Vinc @Somber you also need Power, and to get Power, you have to have the Donator award.
Its a process, but it is worth it, I promise!
Well then count me out. I'm broke at the moment, lol. But I'll keep posting so I can help get it up to 50 posts and give someone that opportunity to win this.
@Matigo I have the Donator Award, just need Power then too
But I will probally get around $80 paypal in a few days, then I'm going to get both the Master Donator + Power =)
might as well try for this I can't get it yet but yolo init
Zac said:
Shh. It's called High Quality posting.

Very quality indeed, we are not shitposting or spamming, but while you're here, I think we should win this
Zac said:
I don't need it anyway. So you have twice the chance of winning

and well by my calculations it's only us two posting, therefore a 100% chance if we hurry up
Zac said:
I doubt we'll get there without someone else getting a couple posts. But we'll see.

only 15 more and we're both posting pretty fast, who knows, there may be one sneaky one
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