600th post Giveaway! (Swaggy won)


Power member.
Just reached my 600 posts... well sort of lol I'm 4 off. Ah whatever, anyway I'm doing a giveaway. I'm giving away my Minus account: Granddad (I know its not that good but it's something to give away) so yeah I will be using http://www.random.org/ to choose the winner... Good Luck!


http://gyazo.com/b62684b5261842bade775f0d70c06799 Swaggy won!
RE: 600th post Giveaway!

3 please! Thank you for the giveaway!
RE: 600th post Giveaway!

Good Luck everyone

And nice of you to do this Zak
RE: 600th post Giveaway!

I take 5 bro I take 5! Gimme!
RE: 600th post Giveaway!

Zak said:
Added to the thread... Good luck

Thanks bro I appreciate it! Thanks for the giveaway!
RE: 600th post Giveaway!

Swaggy said:
I'll take the last number dood.

You're added to the thread Br0000 Good luck.
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