90% Warning level


Active Member
So a while ago, I made a thread about reaching 60% warning level. I was extremely proud of myself as a dedicated user, and I couldn't even imagine that I'd done what I'd done. It was an awe-filled moment for me.
(Thread link ~ http://www.forumkorner.com/thread-213036.html)
Now that I look back at myself I was such a little newblet, with my 60% warning level, ha! Look at me now, motherfucker's.
I am coming in hot.
So hot you won't even feel it and it will feel cold, hot.
I got the 90% warning level now. 
I am the community.
I am Kanye.
I am a God.
Watch out, Cuz I'm a upcoming Yeezus.

I wrote a little rap song ~
Nobody gives a shit. We don't need a fucking play by play of your forumkorner experience.