A Few Free VPNs


Power member.
I have used these multiple times, they're working, and they have no viruses/infections to harm your computer.


Credit goes to:
KeithDrucker for FrostyVPN
Snow @ HF for creating the pack.

I hope you can find these as useful as I have. Remember, it's important to try to stay anonymous at all times; you never know who could be trying to lurk on you!

Peace and much ♥

PS - If you aren't sure what a VPN is or does, just shoot me a PM and I'll inform you a little.
No problem, but I couldn't exactly tell you if the keep logs.
I know Real Hide IP does keep some kind of logs on their computers, but they swear not to tell their partners or third-party associates.
FrostyVPN doesn't keep logs, you're safe with that one (is the one I always use).
I'm fairly sure SpotFlux keeps some the same kind of logs as Real Hide IP, but Spotflux is a USA based company that could be subject to the Federal Government.
The other one, hell, I can't even find the executable. I must have lied... I thought I tried all 4 when I first downloaded this myself

Hopefully someone with a little more knowledge can help out a little here. I haven't really looked to far into it as I don't do anything illegal on-line.
Thanks for the share, Phobic, but I won't be needing them.

Also, please provide a virus scan just for some users' sake.
How exactly do you set this up? Sorry for sounding like a noob.
Well, I'd suggest using FrostyVPN, and setting it up is so quick and easy that you might think it's not being set up right.

First step, extract the folder FrostyVPN (or one of the others)

Second, run FrostyVPN.exe as administrator while connected to the Internet. (If you want to wait I will be posting a virus scan).

Now you will see the OpenVPN install itself, which is what's supposed to happen.

After that, you will see two computers in your OS toolbar next to where your Internet connection usually is, right click on those red computers and choose on of the servers!

Once done with a server, you must disconnect from it. Then you can go to another server if you'd like, or if you're done browsing the internet, you can exit out of the whole thing all together.

Now, you will see where OpenVPN uninstalls itself, which is very cool. (It installs and uninstalls every time)

Also, look for the .txt file. It has the instructions in there as well.

Peace and much ♥

http://pastebin.com/189upyex <--- there is a virus scan. sorry it took so long, I just had to pick my momma up from work.
I use FrostyVPN whenever I'm doing something illegal and I can tell you it certainly does a good job of keeping me out of the slammer! 4.5/5 stars to FrostyVPN!
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