Self said:What does the Repfuck Plugin do? and i like #6 of having prestiges.
It means you lose all of your positive reputation and you get negged more.Self said:What does the Repfuck Plugin do? and i like #6 of having prestiges.
Fresh said:Hmm, some of them could be nice. What would Prestige-Staff Plugin and Advanced stats page be like.
Leader said:It completely deletes a user's rep.
Loser said:It means you lose all of your positive reputation and you get negged more.
Leader said:Prestige is another statistic. Staff online would show all the staff online. The advanced stats would show detailed lists of leaderboards for online time, awards, kudos, etc.
Beware said:I would also like if there was a username color changer.
Beware said:I would also like if there was a username color changer.
Solar said:What exactly would Post Activity entail?
Repfuck could be used for people who rep4rep, which I can say 5 people off the top of my head who rep4repWhite said:Advanced Stats Page-yes
Repfuck Plugin-ehh, repfucks were designed for scammers, and scammers are banned here
Theme Color Changer-yes
Post Activity-no
Staff Online Plugin-yes
Seven said:1) Yes, I would like to see this.
2) No point.
3) God no! The userbars would not fit in with anything!
4) I agree with this.
5) I would like to see this.
6) There isn't a point of it, but I still like it.
7) No. Then groups would have nothing special except the Userbar.
Leader said:The color changer would only change the highlights. For example, you could change the blue highlights here to be red or purple. It wouldn't change the background color.